Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tonle Sap-Floating Village

Floating Village

The Tonle Sap Lake is situated in the center of Cambodia. The nation's great lake is one of the geographical wonders of the world and its extraordinary bio-diversity and hydrology make it an ecological marvel. Tonle Sap is 160km long, and 36km wide. During the rainy season, the Tonle Sap increases to almost ten times its size in the dry season. It engulfs the neighboring forests and generates fertile silt for rice cultivation. These silt deposits make agriculture around the lake a high-yield activity.

 The Tonle Sap is the world's most abundant freshwater fishing ground. The people of the great lake are able to catch 10 tons of fish per square km, thus providing a major source of income and sustenance. Fish stocks are kept buoyant by a moratorium on fishing during the spawning season. This common-government low has guaranteed a future for both people and wildlife. The lake is popular with bird-watchers because the aquatic habitat attracts thousands of fish-eating waterfowl. Fish species inhabiting the lake include carp, catfish, herring and climbing perch.
Experience the life of the Chong Knes Village people with a half-day boat trip on the Tonle Sap Lake. Boats to the floating village teave from the pier near Phnom Penh to complete tour. Longer trips by the Dept of Environment in Preak Tonle provide an officer to accompany you on your exursion. The trip takes about three hours and gives the opportunity to see some of the many bird species that make their home in sanctuaries around the lake. This is a fascinating trip and well worth the time. You can can arrange the excursion with your hotel or a travel agent.
 Floating School
 Floating School

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